Saturday, July 5, 2008

A Day In The Life Of a Hobby At Home Mom

I recently participated in a "day in the life" photo assignment with some friends of mine from my favorite message board, after realizing that I did housework, played with the kids and did "work, work", I thought I'd share it with everyone here. I often hear the question, "how do you balance it all", well, my answer is that I do everything in little chunks, never spending more then 15-30 mins doing any one thing. On days like this, it worked out well. My husband works full time as a bartender, and I stay home with the kids and work on my hobby. I sell groovy vintage items and occasionally I recycle, respin and hand dye cotton.

Take a peek into my life. There LOTS of pic, some with long captions, so after you click play, your best best is to click pause, and use the arrows to flip through the pics.


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