If you've been with me awhile, you know I sell hand dyed, (mostly cotton) recycled yarn. If you love my yarn, you're about to love it even more! I'm learning to respin it! I'm learning to re ply it so that it looks, feels and acts more like brand new yarn, still with the eco-friendly, Earth loving reality to it. I've been busy spinning and knitting to test my yarn before I release it for sale. My hub is busy making me a respinning wheel so I can crank out the respun yarn like nobody's business! Until then, I'm marking all previously listed yarn down 50% in an effort to clear some space for my new yarn stock.
As I said, I've been spinning and knitting to test my new yarn and since I'm a wannabe designer, I should have plenty of free knitting patterns here on my blog by the time I release my new line of respun yarn.
Thanks for you patience and thanks for your continued support in my yarn adventure.
I'm interested to know how you are respinning recycled yarns. I have recently begun my own adventures in recycling and dying, and have a spinning wheel at the ready, and would love to find out more about how recycled yarns can be re-twisted, into more uniform strands for better knitting - keep it up, and post about it!
My wheel is not done yet, but I can tell you essentially what I'll be doing. (I'm doing this all on a drop spindle now http://soulfulhuesknits.blogspot.com/2007/12/plying-with-drop-spindle.html )
I respin, or twist two balls of yarn, then ply them together by spinning them the opposite way I spun them singly. For the thicker yanrs, I'm just retwisting them, then setting the twist.
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